Did you know…
that because of current water mis-management of the natural flow of Lake Okeechobee, estuaries throughout South Florida are in grave danger? Due to artificial water flow through man-made cans built over a century ago, sediment- and nutrient-laden water is discharged, on a path of destruction, into the Caloosahatchee and St. Lucie Rivers where it kills marine animals and destroys valuable seagrass wile causing long-lasting damage to the entire South Florida ecosystem. Because of this, the Florida Bay receives one-sixth of the fresh water it had historically received; increasing salinity and causing approximately 40,0000 acres of seagrass to be lost in the summer of 2015.
Now that the natural fresh water has been blocked, aquifers in South Florida are experiencing saltwater intrusion, and the drinking water of unto 8 million Floridians is at risk along with the entire ecosystem.
Captains for clean water is a Florida-based 501 C (3) which was formed by a group of Fort Myers fishermen that “had enough” of the problem, and are going straight to the source to fix it. By educating others about these issues, uniting those involved at the source of the issues to find common ground to better manage the problem, and by advocating for sustainable solutions this organization has been a significant force in the passing of regulations presented to the Senate and helped advance steps which begin to raise awareness and ease the problem.
Love Hope supports and advocates for Captains for Clean Water for their efforts in improving the water management of South Florida.
Will you join the movement, and wear Love Hope?