From Pain to Possibilities: Remembering Our Mother's Legacy

Hi! My name is Michael; So, a couple of years ago I started to think a lot about starting my own company. Although I couldn't shake a long-discarded childhood desire of starting a clothing brand, I had never worked in the industry. Unfortunately, the one person I knew could sort this all out and lead me in the right direction wasn't around anymore. See, it really all starts with my mother. A woman who always wore her heart on her sleeve, and to whom giving back to those in need was something she believed in very much. 

Although 2012 sounds like a long time ago already, it is a hard time to forget for many people. It was December 2012 when beloved business owner, philanthropist, family patriarch, and my best friend and mother suddenly became ill and passed away from a little-known, degenerative, brain disorder called Creutzfeldt-Jacobs disease. Naturally, the reality of the situation was devastating. It took a few years just to settle back into a sort of 'normalcy'. Thanks to the outpouring of support from friends, loved ones, and many of the people she had once helped, it began to feel like things were going to be ‘ok’. 

For me, this is around the time when that childhood interest in fashion resurfaced. Eventually I would partner with my brother Matthew. Relying on the memory of our mother for guidance, we searched for a meaningful way to unite my vision of a clothing brand with our mother's commitment to philanthropy with the hope of building a lasting bridge between the love of fashion and self-expression, and the hope of social consciousness. 

     We like to believe she led us to Love Hope.

As we fumbled through all the details, we easily recalled my mother always dressed to impress and often wearing a lapel pin. When it wasn’t a beautiful, fashionable pin, it would be one showing her support for a cause that she believed in, and hoped to raise awareness towards. 

With keeping our mother's memory close to our hearts, we decided on emulating her beautiful soul and even some of her style by combining fashion with philanthropy. You will be able to choose from four causes which are represented by four unique colors. Based on the cause you choose from our list, we have dedicated 10% of the proceeds to local charities that use over 75% of funding towards programs and services it delivers. In representation of your chosen cause, and support of our movement to raise awareness, we will sew our Ambassador of Hope charm into your garment’s sleeve in the cause's unique colored thread. 

We invite you to read our mission, become part of the movement, and 'WEAR YOUR CAUSE ON YOUR SLEEVE'!

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